Sources of Demographic Data and Publications on Russia and the Former Soviet Union

Demographic Data

International and Regional Organizations

United Nations:
United Nations Population Information Network (POPNET) 
Demographic Yearbooks (searchable pdf, tables as Excel files) 
World population prospects (data online) 
Population distributions 1984-2003 (Excel files)  
Database on Social Indicators   (can be downloaded as Excel files)
United Nations Statistical Databases

World Health Organization: 
WHOSIS - interactive databases on mortality, diseases and risk factors 
WHO Mortality Database - age-specific mortality rates by causes of death. Extremely detailed database but not user-friendly.  Excellent for serious research

World Bank - socio-economic indicators by country (poverty, health, nutrition, etc.)

Eurostat  - demographic and social indicators for Baltic countries

National Statistical Offices

U.S. Bureau of Census: 
International Data Base (IDB)

CIA Factbook - basic demographic and socio-economic indicators

Goskomstat Russia - Federal State Statistics Service

2002 census of Russia: 
2002 census data in English 
Goskomstat website (in Russian)

Ukraine - State Statistics Committee of Ukraine

Belarus - The Ministry of Statistics and Analysis of the Republic of Belarus

Lithuania - Statistics Lithuania

Latvia - Central Statistical Bureau

Estonia - Statistics Estonia

Republic of Moldova - National Bureau of Statistics

Georgia - State Department for Statistics

Armenia  - National Statistical Service

Azerbaijan - The State Statistical Committee

Kazakhstan - Agency of Statistics (site in Russian and Kazakh)

Kyrgyzstan - National Statistical Committee

Uzbekistan - The State Statistics Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan


Tadjikistan - State Committee on Statistics

Demographic Databases

Human Mortality Database (requires free registration)  - detailed mortality and life table data for Baltic countries, Belarus, Ukraine and Russia.  Time series for life expectancy

The Interuniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR)  - a repository of data on social topics.

NationMaster database - demographic and social indicators by country

Databases on Slavic and East European Studies (U of Chicago)

Population Surveys

Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey (RLMS)

Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) - Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) are nationally-representative household surveys that provide data for a wide range of monitoring and impact evaluation indicators in the areas of population, health, and nutrition.  Data available for Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Republic of Moldova, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.

Survey on Russian Marriages, 1996  - available in ICPSR

General Social Survey of the Russian Federation and Central Asia, October-December 1992 - available in ICPSR


Russian Sources

Demoscope Weekly - the best source of information about demographic processes in Russia and other FSU countries. Unfortunately all materials are published in Russian. Very useful supplemental data on population in Russia and FSU countries.   Interactive maps of demographic indicators.

Social aspects of population health - publications and data on mortality and health

Web-Atlas - Environment and health of Russian population.  From 1960s to 1996.


Publications on Russian demography


Browse JSTOR, select Population or Sociology. Within each journal search for "Russia" or other FSU country

Scientific journals where data on population in Russia and other FSU countries are often published: European Journal of Population, Demographic Research, Population, Population Studies, Population Research and Policy Review

Population Index (1939-1999) - abstracts of demographic publications (available in JSTOR)

Specialized journal on Russia, Central Asia and the Soviet Union (not necessarily on population) - Europe-Asia Studies and Soviet Studies (available in JSTOR)

Sociology journals: Journal of Marriage and the Family, Social Forces

Web of Science

Go to Web of Science. Search for population topics related to Russia and other FSU countries. Examples are "Russia AND mortality", "Russia AND fertility"